Scientific and design documentation that regulates urban planning activities in the environment of monuments in order to preserve them, the historical environment, identify their compositional and artistic value, and the appropriate use of the territories of protection zones.

Research and design documentation that is developed as part of master plans for historic settlements and that reflects information on immovable objects of cultural heritage of the settlement, related historical buildings (significant and ordinary historical buildings); lands of historical and cultural designation; natural monuments, nature reserves, valuable natural landscapes; boundaries of historical areas of the settlement; boundaries of protection zones for cultural heritage monuments in force at the time of preparation of the historical and architectural reference plan.

Historical and architectural reference (historical note) of a cultural heritage site is a research work that is an integral part of pre-design and design documentation for the restoration, conservation, rehabilitation, museumification, repair of cultural heritage sites and reconstruction of lost buildings.

A research work that involves a comprehensive study of a cultural heritage monument, recording, determining its anthropological, archaeological, aesthetic, ethnographic, historical, artistic, scientific or artistic value, and establishing the subject of protection.

Monument protection documentation that establishes the regime of use of a cultural heritage site or its part. The protection agreement specifies the peculiarities of the use of cultural heritage monuments, the types and timing of restoration, conservation, repair work, works on the arrangement of its territory, and other measures, the need for which is determined by the relevant cultural heritage protection authority.

The term of production of scientific project, scientific, monument protection documentation is from 30 calendar days from the date of payment in accordance with the estimate documentation, which is calculated according to separate estimates.

Payment is made in accordance with the agreement in a non-cash form to the account of UDICS registered with the State Treasury of Ukraine.

For more information, please call: (044) 272-52-07